Hello World!

Welcome to “Zero By Zawadi”!

“Zero By Zawadi” is an expression of all of who I am. She came to me one morning during meditation at the end of November 2011. After an incredible life transforming month of Ayurveda in Kerala, I was at Zero. Zero is an amazing place to be because anything is possible. Zawadi, my name, means “gift” in Kiswahili, the language of my nation, Kenya. Through “Zero By Zawadi” I hope to be a blessing to other people, as many have been a blessing to me. I trust that this is the beginning of a beautiful journey and I look forward to walking with all the people I will meet along the way.

My first @ZeroByZawadi design is a khanga yoga mat bag. I hope this will be a vessel that carries the mats that thousands of people like you will sit or stand on as you set intentions for your life and the people that matter most to you.

Salamba Sirsasana, the King of all asanas, is now a part of my daily yoga practice.

“Every gift has a story”

May you be Fierce In 2012!



@zawadin on twitter