AfricansAct is going to Make it, or Make it!

Africans Driving Solutions to Africa’s Problems  

African artists & activists believe Africa is going to Make it, or Make it! Do you? Please join the conversation on twitter at #AfricansAct

AfricansAct – Social Media & Social Change in Africa

Sitting in a hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the eve of the African Union Summit, a group of Kenyan artivists (@zawadin, @saramitaru, @NiNanjira) have started a conversation about the links between social media and social change in Africa.  This is an era where we have access to so many tools to support the work that we do, but there are also many challenges.  We would like to hear what other Africans have to say across the continent and in the diaspora.  If you are currently using social media, are committed to creating positive and progressive change in Africa, want to ensure that 2011 was the #lastfamine, and are available to lend your voice to this conversation, please use the hashtag #AfricansAct and share your thoughts, blogs, case studies of social media campaigns, and let’s figure this out together.

The impetus for this discussion actually came from being frustrated about the severe lack of statistics on internet usage in Africa, as well as specific statistics about active twitter users in Africa, especially given that we have witnessed several global trending topics that have emerged from the continent.

10 guiding questions you might consider answering for the #AfricansAct twitter chat include:

  1. How is social media being used for social change in Africa?
  2. What are some of the effective social media for social change campaigns you have witnessed or participated in, in Africa?
  3. What does it take to drive an effective social media for social change campaign?
  4. What defines a successful social media for social change campaign?
  5. Is it enough just to trend, have thousands of followers/fans? How do you know that your social media campaign is leading to social change?
  6. What African social media for social change campaigns have trended in Africa/globally? (Please share hashtags)
  7. Did you know about the #LastFamine campaign? If yes, what did you think about it?
  8. What are some of the challenges we face in Africa with using social media for social change?
  9.  Is there a need for an African “spring”?
  10. What will Africans online be remembered for?

We look forward to hearing from you all.

Please feel free to post comments here or via twitter using the hashtag #AfricansAct.

The conversation begins now!

Afrika Rise!