Mbona Juma Tatu Milestone?

Mbona #JumaTatuMilestone?

I have been meaning to start writing again, but I just wasn’t sure how, why, what or when I would write.  God knows the past few months have been quite a challenge for me, and those who are nearest and dearest to me, know exactly why.  I actually thought my first blog, after this period, if I was ever to blog again, would be a sort of “Coming out” story, but that’s a story for another day.  The inspiration behind this post today is a conversation I started on twitter last Monday, called #JumaTatuMilestone.  (For non-Kiswahili-speaking folks, Mbona means “Why?” and Juma Tatu means “Monday”.)

So why #JumaTatuMilestone?

Isn’t it obvious – most of us have suffered from the Monday-blues many a time in our lives.  So I figured if we could just take a minute every Monday to share a milestone in our lives, however small or big, it would make a significant difference, not just to us, but to others who might be inspired by our sharing.  When I say however BIG or SMALL, I really do mean it.  There have been days in the past few months when even just getting out of bed was a BIG MILESTONE for me, and on days when I was able to accomplish more than that, I still wasn’t able to appreciate all the blessings in my life.  Somewhere along the way, I started writing a gratitude list. So each day, no matter what, before I go to sleep, I write a list of everything that I am thankful and grateful for.  This is just one of the things that has helped me shift my thinking, embrace life, and start sharing my light again.

So when you ask, “Mbona #JumaTatuMilestone?” my answer is this:

 I hope that each Monday, wherever you are, no matter what is going on, that you have at least ONE THING to celebrate, and that as a community we can celebrate it with you.

You never know, it might just be the one thing that gets you or another person through the week.

And wouldn’t it be great if we could get #JumaTatuMilestone trending every Monday, so that we all have thousands of reasons to smile each week? Goddess knows there’s enough crap on the internet and nothing but bad news in our daily newspapers.

With that, I leave you with Daddy Owen’s song “Mbona”, which is a true inspiration! I first heard it when he and Denno performed it live at Mavuno Church, here in Nairobi, Kenya, but it wasn’t until today that I watched the video.

Love and Light!